Q1: What was your experience like throughout the fundraiser event/process?
I had a lot of fun working on this project, helping others and making their lives better and learning to get out of my comfort zone when I had to be part of our marketing video. I feel like throughout the process the group could have maybe interacted more with each other so we could all feel like we are doing it together. But all in all I feel like our event was an success and we achieved what we wanted to.
Q2: How stressed were you throughout this event?
How did you manage stress or resolve any conflict?
I was a bit stressed as to if our idea would work and if we will be able to raise enough money for the Saartjie Baartman Centre but I told myself its out of our hands we just need to do our part and the rest will follow stressing about it will not help. In the end everything worked out and we were able to raise more funds than our official goal! I also learned that we cannot control everything especially not other peoples decisions we just need to set an example ourselves and everything else would then eventually fall into place.
Please comment on your role of the group dynamics
I was on the admin team but contributed any way I could as to helping out with the presenting, marketing video, setting up peer review form, donating, getting others to donate, getting info on venues as well as contacting info. I also liked and shared our page; being active on our social media.